
yellow yellow

Just so ya know, I haven't been all too expressive for about a week now. Here's why. I've been feeling like a sick floppy rotten fish! Yes, I did go to Arizona at the beginning of the week and have whole tons of things to say about that, but a rotten fish doesn't seem to have much flop enough to even say "hello" sometimes. I had a doc appointment Thursday that I was dragged to, and they said if I wasn't feeling better over the weekend I might have to check myself in. I'm trying to avoid that. I've been having weird aches in the liver regions and people who look at me say I look yellow. Yellow jaundice yellow? Something is going on with my liver is all we can figure. If I keep feeling this way, I oughta be checked out by a professional. But for the time being I will just be sipping on water and beet juices. So there's a little magenta in the yellow. 


rebecca said...

The sun ain't chicken, it's yellow. They call me mellow yellow. Dylan, Donovan, nothing is stopping yellow. It is sunshine-y and the color of my house, and kind of the color of french fries. Have you read anything lately?

rebecca said...

beets turn everything magenta! including faucets!!!

Teacher Jessica said...

Beets turn babies magenta, too. I'm making enchiladas this week and if you're still looking to put on pounds, and if your liver can handle it, I'll bring over a bunch.

MNStar said...

Hey Sweetie,

I have been wondering how you have been since I left the clinic. I was happy to remember this blog so that I could check on you. I'm glad to hear that you are still kicking ass! I will be thinking about you, and if you wanna keep in contact, you can write me at dawnlubka@gmail.com

I don't think it would be a conflict of interest anymore! Yay!

I want to say hi to your mama and dad too. I hope you are all doing as well as you can be.


JB aka JayBee said...

I have just started reading your blog and I hope you will continue writing. I have stage IV melanoma and reading what other cancer survivors think and feel is really empowering for me.

Thanks for your words.

Peggy said...

Nora -- You are an incredible writer. I have just blown my entire afternoon of work reading this blog from start to finish. I couldn't "put it down." Please keep writing.