
big time consuming

There are too many things in this world. Too many choices for us. Too many things to buy and eat. That is how people consume free time- consuming, to make up for their full days of outputting. Maybe it sounds right to balance these things. Except no one does. There's always a portion of people who mostly just consume and then there's the portion that outputs all their life. My perspective of the world is an overwhelming one. I feel like I haven't lived enough to be ready for now. But that's a waste of time to think about. I always seem to save things for later-put them off. But if I keep doing that, I'll never get them done. Things are being wasted just sitting there. Time is being wasted. Time that I could use doing the things that I need to have done. Of course, I could pretend that all time is not wasted, and that all time is special and we are so lucky to have it. 


Dr Em said...

Nora, I spend all my free time making cranes. But I think I know what you mean, life is like, work, buy stuff, work buy stuff, clean, clean, clean, work, buy stuff, work buy stuff. If that's work-life balance, it's pretty lame if you ask me.

LMD said...
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Lynn said...

Nora, this post made me think a lot. thats why i always enjoy checking in with your blog. time is always in the eye of the beholder, but i'd never thought of those who always consume as if life were a gerbil wheel we all run round without purpose.
i'm thinking of you most days and wishing you the best!

Smabes said...

Yea, I'd have to say it is a great accomplishment to slow down life to the point of enjoying each moment...even if that just means appreciating every second, every moment, no matter how significant or insignificant. It is something that not enough people do, because if you can reach that kind of inner peace....what is there to worry about, or run around for, or stress about....I sometimes think a lot of people just worry too much about accomplishing everything they can in a lifetime, and not enough about everything and everyone around them in each moment.

Mary Jo Parker O'Hearn said...

In my ancient opinion,life is not what you have done, but how you have done these things, that is important. There is no real measure for this, it is only in the hearts that you have touched. You, Nora, have touched many hearts and have made a difference there. Many are richer for your hand, mine included. I am very fortunate.

Peggy said...

Ah, Nora. I spend a lot of my free time reading everything I can get my hands on about meditation, practice, Buddhism, all in the hopes of figuring out what you stated so well in this post. WTF? It's too damned hard sometimes, yes? Meditation comes closest to helping me let it all go, but everyone finds her own path, right? I was surprised and pleased to find out that Buddhists never want to be handed what to believe but to discover it themselves. Now THIS is why I like Buddhism. :-)
Life is mysterious, thrilling, and fleeting, right this minute. Hugs.

Mary Jo Parker O'Hearn said...

Thinking about you tonight. Hope you are watching what is happening and smiling. xo